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An Inside Look At LEGOLAND® Discovery Center

  • Friday March 23rd 2018
  • LEGOLAND Discovery Center Dallas
  • Mar 2018

The secret is out... the most LEGO-tastic adventure filled with LEGO® Rides, LEGO Studios 4D Cinema, LEGO MINILAND and more awaits!

We're spillin' all the juicy details with a bricktastic, behind-the-scenes visit to LEGOLAND® Discovery Center (Arizona) with one of our Creative Crew members - a group of super cool kids who love LEGO! Sit back, relax and enjoy a visit to The Ultimate Indoor LEGO Playground...

Kid with Figure | LEGOLAND Discovery Center

Yes! It’s time! I finally convince Mom and Dad to take me to take me to the best place in the world... LEGOLAND® Discovery Center! We drive to the bright yellow building, get our tickets and of course grab my super-cool activity pack. I can’t wait to complete it by collecting all the stamps hidden around LEGOLAND Discovery Center. That prize is going to be mine!

Kid | LEGOLAND Discovery Center

The first ride is one of my favorites! Kingdom Quest! I take a seat and immediately start zapping the bad guys. The princess needs my help! The more beastly trolls and sneaky skeletons I zap, the closer I am to saving her! Zap! Zap! Zap!

Next, I follow the dragon’s footprints into the COOLEST ROOM EVER! Everything is made out of LEGO bricks – the buildings, the airplanes, the cars, the boats! First thing’s first – gotta get my stamp. (Mom, keep up!) I wonder how many bricks are in that building. 1, 2, 3… whoa, too many to count. My parents are really loving this room too... Apparently, MINILAND is a hit with old people. HA!

Kids | LEGOLAND Discovery Center

Time to move on to the main hub, the happiest room in the world! I’ve got to head to the Build & Test area first to create the fastest car you’ve ever seen! Ready, set, GO! Another LEGO Racer win for me. I love this place.

Kids | LEGOLAND Discovery Center

Mom says that I have a lot of energy and it’s time to take some of that out in the play zone... fiiiine by me! I’m going up the climbing walls, down the slides and all throughout this LEGO jungle gym. I even made a few friends who helped me build a massive tower of LEGO bricks. We knocked it down 20 seconds later, but who cares!

Kids | LEGOLAND Discovery Center

All that playing has given me quite the appetite! We head to the Café for a delicious hot dog and some yogurt. Nom, nom, nom. I’m feeling good and it’s perfect timing because The LEGO Movie starts in two minutes at the 4D Cinema! My whole family jumps right into the action, literally! We feel the wind, rain and snow all while watching through 3D glasses. Does it get any better than this?

Kids | LEGOLAND Discovery Center

We’re back out to the main hub and it’s time for another ride! This time, I’m going to pedal all the way into the sky on Merlin’s Apprentice. The faster I pedal, the higher I go! And trust me, I’m pedaling my little heart out over here!

Now it’s time for the best part of the day… perfecting my building skills in the Creative Workshop! Our instructor shows us what we’ll be building today, and… score! It’s an octopus! I take my time and come up with the coolest eight-legged animal ever. Mom and Dad snap a few photos of me cheesing with my creation and I’m so happy!

Kids | LEGOLAND Discovery Center

I totally forgot about my secret mission to complete my activity book, so I trek around the rest of the room searching for my missing stamps. Once I get the last one, I’m feeling proud! And tired. Mom says we’ve been here for almost four hours… I guess time flies when you’re having fun!

On the way out, I claim my LEGO prize for the scavenger hunt, and even convince Mom and Dad to buy me the newest LEGO Creator set! I’m the luckiest kid in the world!

I didn’t even get a chance to play on the Earthquake Tables and hang out with my buddy Alec, the Master Model Builder. That just means I’m going to have to come back and visit again soon. Like, so soon. Hmm.. I wonder if I can have my birthday party here… HEY MOM!!

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